Actinobacteria strain collection
We offer a collection of antibiotics-producing strains, primarily but not exclusively, Actinobacteria species, pre-screened for certain activities. The collection currently includes over 1000 isolates and is permanently fulfilled with new species from diverse, often unique, sources. More than 500 isolates are identified at genus level by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Also, the most interesting species are whole genome sequenced.
Isolates are characterized by their biological activity against a panel of test-cultures including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, Mycobacteria and fungi (Fusarium and yeast Debaryomyces).
Isolates could be purchased as is or could be a part of the customer’s strain engineering project for specific compound search and production.

Biosynthetic gene clusters database and antiSMASH-BLAST
We have created a biosynthetic gene clusters (BGC) database by analyzing total of 53 300 Actinobacteria genomes with antiSMASH 7.1 instrument (Kai Blin, et al., 2023) resulting in 499 677 individual BGC records. The Database is linked with the WWW-BLAST engine allowing the search for BGCs with particular features. The BGC information is stored as a complete record with the direct links to the antiSMASH 7.1 data and corresponding genome in GenBank. The database is organized into individual chapters simplifying the search.
Click here to access the antiSMASH-BLAST tool.
antiSMASH-BLAST offers a possibility to find BGC with the particular gene or function within it.
Explogen will clone the selected BGCs for you. See cloning.
Kai Blin, et al., (2023) antiSMASH 7.0: new and improved predictions for detection, regulation, chemical structures and visualisation, Nucleic Acids Research, V. 51, W1.

The search for GyrB protein from Streptomyces coelicolor resulted in identification of known and new BGCs with products potentially targeting DNA gyrase, including one encoding for diverse aminocoumarins biosynthesis

Modular vector system
Our vision of a successful strain engineering project is based on the application of the recombination phenomenon in combination with the appropriate genetic devices, parts and tools. Homologous and site-specific DNA recombination and enzymes facilitating them are the basis of Explogen’s approaches. The set of tools for cloning, assembling, and modifying large DNA fragments was developed by our team, significantly speeding up gene cloning and strain engineering processes.
The key element of our approach is a flexible modular cloning vector system which could be easily modified for different bacteria species and applications. The dedicated vectors with reporter genes, recombination facilitating genes, and diverse resistance markers were developed by Explogen and are used in synthetic biology and strain engineering projects. These vectors could be further optimized for the particular project needs.